Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18- RIP MLK Jr.

Updates, updates and more updates:

1. Even though there wasn't any school today I still went to Woodbury to workout.

2. Remember my stalker? Turns out that she just wants to be in the cool kids group. I thought she was secretly plotting my demise but today I had an epiphany when she smiled at me. I realized that she just wanted me, obviously the pack leader in every class because I'm cool like that, to be nice to her. See, these are the occasions when my bitch gets the best of me. So I guess I'll be nice to her and see where that goes.

3. Wizard has started distancing herself from me in the classes. She does not like other people or idle chatter or Woodbury soccer moms and because I draw them like a moth to the flame, she doesn't like to be near me. It's hard enough for her to avoid making eye contact with anyone as she enters and exits the workout areas, so everyone crowding around me asking me about my weekend really puts her off. Plus, I keep forgetting to put on extra deodorant before I head to class, so yeah, I stink pretty heinously every class.

4. Yesterday, after I ran, I swam (more like played in the water). Wizard and I didn't meet so I headed to Coon Rapids. The treadmills are AMAZING!!! They each have their own TV's and fans and you can plug in your IPOD...I just wanted to start making out with the machine, it was that awesome. I hit quickstart and was running and doing everything I was supposed to. Well, when you hit quickstart, it automatically will time the session at 30minutes. So I am running and in the middle of my ten minute set the machine automatically goes to "cooldown". So was swearing and pushing all the buttons trying to get it to go back up to the speed that I was at when it went into cooldown. Well, by the time it got where I wanted it a couple of minutes had passed and my mellow had totally evacuated the premises. So I headed for the pool and played and was reminded of how awesome this summer was and childhood and aren't pools and chlorine amazing? Warm fuzzies.

5. My body has declared a jihad against my weight loss efforts. Every time I think I am making progress by body gives me a bad number on the scale and a big FU. Time to go back to the old standby: Weight Watchers. It's the only damn way I can lose weight. Being accountable and tracking every morsel of food that goes into my mouth. ***Warning explicit whining ahead...Why do I have to be one of those neurotic women that is more obsessed with her calories than what is going on around her (stamping my feet to further my point)- I am a free spirit, I am excessive and spoiled and decedent- and I'm okay with that! Why can't I just eat what I want and exercise and still lose weight. Why isn't life fair!!! Okay, I'm done. It's just that focusing specifically on my weight makes me feel so shallow and idiotic, like I'm playing right into society's hands. I am not a moron who is only as good as her waist size. I am brilliant (sometimes) and funny and friendly, and despite the extra weight and the stomach roll and the puffiness, pretty okay looking. Why can't I be valued for my brain (or my wit or my ability to judge and criticize everyone around me or my ability to recommend good books to everyone I meet) instead of my body? ARGH!!!!***

1 comment:

  1. I agree you should do WW again if it worked. I believe for me what works about WW is the tracking....sooooo save yourself the money, your already being very GOOD!, just add tracking now to your plan. 5 extra minutes a day to count your points, calories whatever will be WELL worth it.
