Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 24- I want to eat a giant chocolate Santa...

I'm not going to school today (I will be grading all day, thank you very much. Either that or getting caught up in a BG marathon and laying on the couch. Which do you think will win out?)

Even though I am not at school, I still got up at 4am and dragged my tried ass to the gym. Why? you might ask yourself. Why would I get up in a-below-zero-windchill-factor to drive across God's green earth to Woodbury? Because I made a commitment to myself. Because I value my health more than my sleep. Because I'm am really starting to like the gym....

Or it could be that I told Wizard I would be there and I know that she would literally karate-chop my head if I didn't show up. Wizard is kinda violent when she gets worked up and since she towers over me...lets just say I want to keep all my teeth if I can possibly help it.

Remember when I said that Wizard was signing us up for all the races in a tri-state area. We are now going to do a diatholon in Oakdale, my home suburb (go Titans!) in May. Wizard signed us up thinking that by then we'll have the running and biking thing down. It now appears that it's going to be harder to do than the Sprint Triathlon. You run three miles, bike something-like-100-miles, and then run 3 more miles. It's the running at the end that kills you.

Shot me now. Run 6 miles? Can't I just have my jaw wired shut?

This morning we did BodyPump (Wizard is doing the Clean'n'Press wrong- she can't manage to get the bar raised above her giant head. I am wimping out of the lunges because they kill my knees. My butt doesn't need to be too high- I don't want to end up looking like JLo). And after BodyPump we ran/walked. I heart my new shoes.

Weighed myself again. Since I weighed myself last week I have lost another 3.5 pounds- add that to the 3.5 pounds that I've already lost- 7 total since last Tuesday. Although, I am severely dehydrated. Wizard is buying me one of those poles that they hang IV fluid from at the hospital that the patients can wheel around with them so that I always have water with me.

Peace out, friends.


  1. Good Girl -3.5 is alot better than +3.5
    You're doing good, girl, keep up the good work.
    The Oakdale thing sounds like alot of fun. I hope Wizard works your ass off in the next couple of months. Try and reach your daily goals and all the rest will fall into place.

    Papa G

  2. Please don't ever stop writing. You are one of the highlights of my day! I feel like I talk to you everyday now! So proud of you for your hard work. I had a tear when you wrote that you made a committment to yourself and nothing was going to stop you and that you're starting to like the gym! Yay! That biathalon sounds like fun! Is there room for another? I would love to join you guys if it's no bother.

    P.S. Call me!
