Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 21- I almost puked my guts out...

Friday I didn't post, but I did work out. My mother was so worried that I missed a day of exercise she actually checked with me on the phone to make sure nothing was wrong. Don't worry my dedicated followers, I actually was so busy doing my actual job of - gasp- teaching that I didn't have time to post. By the time I had time, I was too tired. Friday I was in spinning (with the Latina teacher again- her accent works in my favor). Ask Wizard if you don't believe me.

Saturday was a horse of a different color altogether. Saturday was my first day of running. Okay, I don't know if you can really count what I did as running, but Wizard says that it counts and since she is a professional and not afraid of crushing my ego, I'm going to believe her. We did intervals of 1 minute running/2 minutes walking- 10 intervals total. Outside. In the freezing cold.

First, my body went into shock. Luckily, I brought my trusty lab Mufasa along believing the premise that she would pull me when I couldn't go on. Instead she was busy running her leash around my, and Wizard's, legs. Second, my limbs started to go numb. I'm pretty sure that I have never exerted so much energy. I was gasping for breath- I looked like I should be in the intensive care unit somewhere. Wizard didn't know whether to have me put my head between my legs or give me CPR. Runners passing us were giving us dirty looks- me because I am obviously too fat to be running (they probably thought I should be eating a jelly donut somewhere instead of taking up so much space on their precious wooded path- don't mind me for living you asses) and Wizard because she is obviously the dictator of our little duo. I didn't know whether to throw up or I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it was pretty difficult for me.

So this is the time when I mention that Wizard and I are running a 5k in February. The first week of February. I have to be able to run 3 miles by the 6th of February. Is she crazy, you may be asking yourself? Yes, yes I am crazy. Crazy like a fox. Um, or more like a fool.

I have officially signed up for the race in February and the Sprint Triathlon in August. I want to invite everyone to St. Paul on August 22(or 23 or something) to see me triumph in the triathlon. If I finish it in one piece, it will be an astounding success.

Spinning today, Wednesday and Friday.
BodyPump and Running, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
(PS- You're all invited to workout with me and Wizard at the Woodbury YMCA every weekday morning at approximately 5:30am- be there or be square.)

1 Liter of Water
High Fiber Oatmeal with 1 cup cherries
Carrots with 2 TBSP hummus and EVOO
Turkey Chili with peppers, onions, and beans
Pear & Diet Coke
Apple with 2 TBSP PB & Diet Coke


  1. Rachel you did awesome on Saturday. The first day is always the hardest. Yes, it will get easier. Yes, it will start to feel good. Yes, YOU will WANT to run. Yes, you will run over 3 miles across a lake in the wintery winds of February.

    And you will have the sweatshirt to prove it.

    Yes, you will persevere.

  2. Awesome Job! Your motivation is motivating me!

  3. Rachael, I am siding with Wizard on this one. I will back it up with fact. Fact-I was in soccer and softball until my senior year of highschool. Fact-I hated running and was the slowest in each sport (pretty sure). First year of college-HATED running with a passion. I of course had the mentality that I just wasn't a runner, certain people are born with the ability, others not. Fact-this is untrue! After months of attempting to run and starting at interval paces like what you're doing I have come to LOVE running, yes, actually enjoy it when I used to LOATHE it! I love the feeling I get during my workout (that I can do anything) and after I feel the best I've ever felt. It's the runners high those few people in life get to enjoy. When I run, as sometimes it does get a tad boring, I find motivation to keep pushing myself farther than the day/week/month before. I get on the treadmill in my case and I think of all those people in my life who ever told me I couldn't do something, all those coaches in Highschool who sat me on the bench or wouldn't work on my skills because I wasn't part of "the group" and on that treadmill I run faster and harder when I picture their faces and hear their voices because I know that I am bettering my life and surpassing my goals and I know they are doing nothing. That so many years ago they peaked and I was just starting. That the next time they see me (if ever) I will have achieved more than them. That drives me. Everyday.

    Find your drive. Find your anger, your frustration, your sadness, remember all the times someone told you you couldn't do something and use that to propel yourself forward. To change your life. To show yourself that you are better than anyone else!

  4. So I don't know what to say but that I am jealous of you, I am proud of you, I wish that I could do what you do. I wish I could find what is holding me back.

    You inspire me every time I read your blog. I always want to just turn around and work out. You are someone that I wish I could aspire to be like. Not just in the gym but in other areas of your life. You believed you could make it through college, graduate school and teaching. Believe you can do this because I do. I know how much you want it. I know you want it for all the right reasons even if on the surface you may not.

    Hell maybe one day I will run too.

  5. "Is this mud or fudge?"
    D.F., grade 10
