Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 9- It's only Wednesday???

This holiday week is going to be the death of me. First of all, why in God's name don't we have this entire week off from school. I cannot take the whining or the I-can't-sit-still-in-my-seat-or-I-will-die-please-don't-ask-me-to-concentrate-on-anything-isn't-it-time-for-turkey-yet students, which is pretty much all of them (and some of the teachers too).


1. Why do we eat greasy food (and by we, I mean me)? Last night I was starving after tutoring so I stopped by the drive through of my friendly burger place on the way home. I got what I got before my fitness and food makeover, and let me tell you- the greasy burger and fries tasted pretty good going down. (Like years before, I have convinced myself that because this is a holiday week I don't have to follow healthy eating to the letter because- IT'S A HOLIDAY!!! Technically Thursday is the only day I should be treating myself. I think this is why I had previously convinced myself it was okay to eat as many Christmas cookies as I wanted for the entire span of Halloween through Valentines Day.)
Back to the topic on hand- I felt so horrible after I ate that fast food! I don't even mean guilty- I mean, physically I felt gross. I woke up this morning and I wasn't happy, energetic or excited like I've normally been. I was tired and sluggish because I ate that gross food. Anyway, lesson learned. I'm not saying that I won't eat fast food again, but man! It made me feel awful. Working out does make me want to eat better- great side effect of kicking my own butt in the gym.

2. Spinning. If I had a gun I would bring it the the Y just so I could shoot the damn spinning bike. I hate it! As it is, I would've kicked it but it would have totally taken out my foot considering the entire thing is made of steel. I literally waited until the instructor was on her bike, the music had started and the clock had struck 5:30am until I climbed on my bike just so that I didn't have to subject my business to any more torture than absolutely necessary. Once on my bike, I refused to do the standing-up parts because everything had gone numb and I didn't want to shift. I'm pretty sure that every woman knows what I'm talking about here.

3. Wizard is now signing us up for every existing 5k in the tri-state area. Apparently I am a runner, I just don't know it yet. According to Wizard it's all about the training and the bra. Call me a skeptic, but I'm betting a girl(me) that choose her high school sports purely because they involved the least amount of running possible (Volleyball. Which I am not saying isn't a hard sport, but there isn't much running like with basketball or soccer), isn't likely to be an enthusiastic participant. But maybe I'll be more inspired to run if I just get to bitch about it the entire time.

4. Turkey Trot (with Wizard) and yummy food tomorrow. Totally looking forward to it because it's going to be awesome. Friday we're back to BodyPump at 5:30am- got to burn off those pie calories.


1 comment:

  1. I have to tell you -- I have just spent my entire prep hour reading your blog, and I am inspired! I am soo proud of you! I have been a not so faithful fat-camp attendee, and this has inspired me to get back on the wagon! Can't wait to keep reading -- keep up the good work!
