Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 3

I slept sooo good last night I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. You know when you sleep and dream...and you're floating in some happy, sunny place with the people you love most in the world- well, that was my night last night. So when a loud noise woke me this morning, I was still in my happy place. The dogs were snuggled next to me, it was still dark outside. I thought to myself "Does life get any better than this?"...A few moments passed. Horror started to dawn deep within my brain and thighs. I had to get up. And not only that, I had to go to the gym and BodyPump.

I'm not the only one that is sore. Yesterday, Wizard made her students pick up markers on the floor because she couldn't bend over. The thought of florescent lights and happy people made me want to stay in bed or pack heat. It literally took me three tries to get my shoes on because of the pain it caused me to bend my legs. I don't know if you know this (or care) but toilets are lower to the ground than most chairs are. I avoided going to the bathroom yesterday because of the extra effort it took just to get up and get down.

But then I was in class...and I was sweating...and other people were smiling...and my muscles were aching...and I didn't think I could do one more rep...and I had a revelation. I realized I was doing it. I was DOING IT. That made me smile deep down on the inside. My body isn't beautiful or graceful. I'm certainly not the prettiest or skinniest in any room. But I was having fun and sweating and aching. That moment made me feel so good...and then the moment faded. But it was there! I hadn't felt so good in my body since playing sports in high school.

Ahh...If only I could bottle that feeling this all would be so much easier. When the honeymoon is over and there is ten inches of snow outside and the windchill is twenty below, I'm going to need that feeling.

Workout: BodyPump for 60 mins

12 oz coffee with 2 TBSP Hazelnut creamer (I refuse to give this up, it's my one pleasure)
High Fiber Oatmeal with 1 cup cherries
32 oz water
1 cup carrots with 2 TBSP hummus and EVOO
Salad with red lettuce, grilled chicken, yellow pepper, cucumber- no dressing/vinegar
1/2 of a date bar
32 oz water
1 medium apple with 2 TBSP PB (I will switch to natural/nut butter once the PB is gone)
Boca Burger on Arnold's 100 calorie bun
2 Cups Veggies of some sort
32 oz water

1 comment:

  1. I know I keep making comments on here and I don't know if you read them or not but I'm a big quote person. They help me clarify and put things into perspective for me and what's going on in my life. They also help motivate me when I lose focus. So I'll pass them on to you!

    “I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked. You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on a treadmill together you are going to get off first or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple. I’m not going to be outworked.”
    ~Will Smith
