Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 2

Day 2. It is approximately 6:50am and I am sitting at my computer at school- workout completed. It never occurred to me that it is possible for the entire circumference of your thigh to hurt, but here I am- living proof. Even during volleyball I don't think my legs ever hurt so bad. Well, maybe during River Falls Camp...My butt and the back of my thighs are throbbing, the front are tight and burning...yes, even the sides of my legs ache. I look like I've had hip replacement surgery when I get up and down out of my chair. Did you know the side muscles in your legs can hurt? Yes they can my friend. Yes they can.

My alarm went off at 4am. Even the dogs didn't want to get out of bed. But I managed to make it to the gym almost on time. Last night I spent the better part of two hours preparing for this morning. I didn't realize how much time it was going to take to be healthy, believe me its much easier to buy McDonald's and watch Biggest Loser. Packed my gym bag. Made my lunch. (You can see a run down of what I'm eating today below.) I even grilled chicken at 7pm just so that I could have chicken for salads this week. (At the same time, I was watching NCIS and the other NCIS while this was all going down. I spent the entirety of the second NCIS debating who is cuter- LLCoolJ or that guy from Scent of a Women...what's-his-name, Christian something? Chris O'Donnell. Dreamy. They don't even have to have a plot line for that show. Just have LLCoolJ and Chris O'Donnell read off random women's names while smirking into the camera. "Shelly" "Rhonda" "April"... )

Wizard, of course being the responsible woman she is, called me to tell me that she was running late but still beat me to the gym. She is trying to convince me that a Sprint Triathlon is in my future...August, the same month as the wedding. I was doubtful that I would even be able to run and bike in the same day considering I hate both activities, but as we worked out (no gas issues this time, thank God! Although clenching your butt cheeks together for an hour is a workout, no doubt about it) she tripped and almost fell on her face three times. I'm starting to think that if Wizard can do it with her coordination, I should be a shoe-in. It couldn't have been the fact that she was walking at a 5mph pace- an almost impossible feat, while I was limping along at a 3.3 mph pace. But I did a respectable 45 minutes, only because I had someone to talk to. I don't know how those people with their fancy IPODS can do it, I get so bored. It's easier to work your butt off going no where when you have someone to talk to.

Wizard and I plan on hitting the spinning class once our muscles adjust to BodyPump. I peaked my head in today just to get a feel- hairy teacher and a dark room. Looks perfect for next week.

So...I also forgot to weigh myself today (again). The scale at home doesn't have any batteries. But I'll give you a weekly total of weight lost once I remember to weigh myself.

Workout: 45 minutes on the treadmill.

12 oz coffee with 2 TBSP Hazelnut creamer (I refuse to give this up, it's my one pleasure)
High Fiber Oatmeal with 1 cup cherries
32 oz water
1 cup carrots with 2 TBSP hummus and EVOO
Salad with red lettuce, grilled chicken, yellow pepper, cucumber- no dressing/vinegar
32 oz water
1 medium apple with 2 TBSP PB (I will switch to natural/nut butter once the PB is gone)
Boca Burger on Arnold's 100 calorie bun
2 Cups Veggies of some sort
32 oz water


  1. Keep it up! You're awesome! Love you!

  2. I just wanted to thank you for doing this blog. It really shows me that I am not alone in this battle and that I am not the only one with these feelings. I love you!
