Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010- The Bell Jar

So apparently I was wrong to get so annoyed at the New-Year's-Resolutionists because this morning I walked into spin class and there wasn't one bike left. That's right- not one bike! Even the broken bikes and the one-missing-a-wheel had old men propped up on them. Now, as-much-as-I-hate-admitting-to-anything-that-could-be-in-anyway-my-fault-because-I-am-always-right, I was five minutes late to spin class.

Don't set me on fire yet- I hate people who are late too! I was pulled over by Woodbury's finest this morning because I was speeding. Fifty in a forty zone (which, not to excuse speeding, but pleez! That isn't that fast and aren't there some real criminals to catch instead of me in my hot spandex pants racing to spinning because I'm late?). I was resolved to getting a damn ticket because this is the second time I've been pulled over in the new little green machine and I didn't even care that much because the police officer was totally delish with his long eye lashes and crew cut. Men in uniform- Yum. But I digress.

So I walk into spinning, with only a warning from the cute copper, and not even a written warning at that, and the room is packed! All my woodbury-soccer-mom-friends are making sad faces at me when I realize that there aren't any bikes! What kinda of crazy, ninja free world is this! All I have to say is good thing I didn't have my nunchucks...I was forced to the elliptical and infomercials. Boo.

Workout: 20 minutes on the elliptical (Hopefully I'll get a chance to head back to the Y tonight for a class)

Go Lean Crunch with skim milk
1 banana
4 clementines
1 fiber bar
1/2 subway turkey sandwich
2 diet cokes

1 comment:

  1. You are to much little girl. You can't be driving so fast in Woodbury. Get there early tomorrow and do twice the amount of work.
