Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22 - Sick Day

I actually ran thirty minutes today without stopping. Two miles in thirty minutes, which means I was running about at 15 minute mile. Pretty horrible time but I'm amazed at myself regardless. Thirty minutes. Two miles. I don't think I've ever run two miles before.

The only reason I'm not complaining about my body being sore from running is because I'm sick with a cold. My nose won't stop running, I'm slimeing the kids, my eyes and head ache, I didn't sleep last night because I couldn't breathe. Every time I cough I'm afraid that blood will come from my throat and/or I'm going to ralph. Hopefully, I've painted an accurate picture of my misery.

Workout: Running 30 minutes- Yay me.

Eating: The usual

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosebud!! Just read your blog and I agree with you 100% WW is a great concept and should work great with your workout. Love and just keep the great work. PaPa G
