Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Whatever, It's January- Out with the old, In with the new

Hey friends, followers and nuts, happy 2010! I didn't post anything over winter break from school. I could give you a million reasons why, but lets just say instead of staring blankly at a computer screen I took a lot (and I mean A LOT) of much-needed-and-deserved-naps. Don't worry, I still drove all the way over to Woodbury to meet Wizard at the Y. We took a few days off (like Christmas and New Years Day, and it was Wizard's wedding anniversary so it wasn't even my fault you Nazi's!) but for the most part workouts were good, eating not so good.

I know, I know. I sound like a broken record. But I have to tell it like it is. I am eating healthier and less food, but it is no where near where I want it to be. Yes, I am a perfectionist (sometimes, in some circumstances when there isn't any pressure).

So today Wizard and I raced (we were there 15 minutes early!) to the gym because we were totally convinced that classes were going to be packed with new-years-resolutionists-in-brand-new-spandex-clothing but to our amazement the class didn't even have the regulars let alone anyone new. Oh yeah, and the instructor didn't show up either. Do you know how dumb four spinners look riding bikes going no where, staring off into the space where the instructor usually is? Really Dumb. Passersby froze as they walked by the dark room where we sat spinning, dumbstruck as to what we were doing. I felt like an exhibit at the zoo. So I mooed. Just kidding.

Plus, this lady was totally trying to out spin me. Yeah, I know- the nerve, right? So I resolved that I wouldn't sit down until she sat down. No matter what. I would've rather died than sit down before her. She kept checking in the mirror to see if I was sitting yet...and I wasn't. Finally, after about five minutes she sat. I smiled in victory. One for Rachael, zero for the opposition.

Did you know that I am going to be running 20 minutes straight this Saturday at the Y? I feel like I should be selling tickets because I am pretty sure that it's not going to happen. Wizard says so though, and I am afraid of her German accent so I am pretty sure that she is going to intimidate me into doing it.

Workout: Spinning 45 minutes

1 whole-wheat-high-fiber-bagel with natural PB(yuck) and banana
2 Clementine oranges
A pail of water
carrots and 2 tbsp of hummus with evoo
salad (no dressing) and tomato basil soup
diet coke (I know, don't say anything)
1 apple
turkey (finishing it up before going veggie), mashed potatoes, broccoli
1 small slice corn bread with butter
1 small piece apple pie with 1 scoop ice cream (didn't even come close to finishing this, but the five bites I had were really good. Damn you dad and your stupid sweet tooth!)